Post by AndrewBMe too. But I'm so much faster on the keyboard, I'm finding it fairly
easy to do something like: alt-tab to Firefox, alt-d, cu (for credit
union), down arrow, enter. Maybe give it a whirl for your most frequent
used bookmarks. have to take your hand off of the mouse to do it your way,
can't see how it can be faster than the other way.
Oh, on another topic, I had to upgrade to AVG V8.0 today, finding the free
download link took some work, I know Charles posted it here or in .social
but I couldn't be arsed to search for it. For some reason, my AVG V7.5
stopped accepting updated .dat files 28 days ago, every time I hit "update"
it would come back "unsuccessful" and say I needed to reboot, but that
didn't fix anything.
Dunno what happened there, maybe some mickeysoft patch screwed it up -- in
the last month IE7 (which I rarely use) has been having the really weird
problem too -- it would work ok, but when I close the browser I get a "IE
has stopped working" error message, and instead of shutting down it reloads
IE -- kind of annoying, dontcha think? I think this only happens when I go
to the Ameritrade website, which uses Java runtime (?). I *thought* there
was an "IE repair" tool, but damned if I can find it. Maybe it disappeared
when they killed off Outlook Express in Vista?