2008-05-14 12:32:59 UTC
Some time back because of desk space considerations I bought an inexpensive
19" Westinghouse LCD monitor, 14,400X900 resolution to replace the moster
17" CRT that came with the Dell Dimension. I plugged in the monitor and
adjusted resolution to the new one and everything's been Hunky Dory until
Saturday I was updating acrobat reader when the installer complained about
disk fragmentation, so I safe booted into the system account and defragged
the hard drive. Now in Safe Mode the WinXP SP2 Home Edition worked at the
old VGA resolution of 900X600 or similar (I forget), but since I was just
defragging, no big deal. When I finished, I rebooted normally, and did the
recommended "repair" of the Acro reader installation. and so far so good. I
also updated Flash and cleaned up a few mor files, and may have rebooted
once or twice on Sunday. No Problems. Went to bed with my account logged in
but locked.
Monday moring I get up and I can hear the CPU fan which means the machine is
busy, and the disk light is flashing, I unloked my account, and Norton had
obviously run its complete AV cycle with good results, Since that normally
takes a few hours it had probably set windows defenders completion back by a
few hours and that's why the fan and disk lights were on, I supposed. I
didn't check. At this point the screen looks normal still.
I logged into my wifes account the nominal "owner" of the box, and whoa...,
the old VGA resolution. I RMB clicked on the desktop to reset the screen
properties, and can't find the 14400X900 setting so now I have a choice
between horizontaly stretched 1152X864 (closest setting)or an inch of unused
screen on each side. The computer has Intel "Extreme Graphics". and the
connection to the monitor is VGA. The graphics properties doesn't seem to
identify my monitor and sez I have "Default Monitor". I've checked the
connections at both ends, repkugged and tightened the screws, checked the
graphics driver (it's the most recent, from 2005). Reset the Monitor, turned
things off and on and rebooted and I can't get the proper settings in the
list of available resolutions, in any of the graphics related menus. Could
the hardware that detects or identifies the monitor have been fried? Any one
have any ideas?
System summary:
Dell Dimension 4600
Intel 82865G Graphics
Westinghouse 19" wide screen 14,400X900 Resolution
VGA Monitor cable
OS: Win XP Home Edition SP2, +all critical patches up to March patch
Norton AV did have a 3 piece update waiting for install when I shut down
last night. That seems to have gone fine.
I presume SP3 is downloading as resources and bandwidth permit.
19" Westinghouse LCD monitor, 14,400X900 resolution to replace the moster
17" CRT that came with the Dell Dimension. I plugged in the monitor and
adjusted resolution to the new one and everything's been Hunky Dory until
Saturday I was updating acrobat reader when the installer complained about
disk fragmentation, so I safe booted into the system account and defragged
the hard drive. Now in Safe Mode the WinXP SP2 Home Edition worked at the
old VGA resolution of 900X600 or similar (I forget), but since I was just
defragging, no big deal. When I finished, I rebooted normally, and did the
recommended "repair" of the Acro reader installation. and so far so good. I
also updated Flash and cleaned up a few mor files, and may have rebooted
once or twice on Sunday. No Problems. Went to bed with my account logged in
but locked.
Monday moring I get up and I can hear the CPU fan which means the machine is
busy, and the disk light is flashing, I unloked my account, and Norton had
obviously run its complete AV cycle with good results, Since that normally
takes a few hours it had probably set windows defenders completion back by a
few hours and that's why the fan and disk lights were on, I supposed. I
didn't check. At this point the screen looks normal still.
I logged into my wifes account the nominal "owner" of the box, and whoa...,
the old VGA resolution. I RMB clicked on the desktop to reset the screen
properties, and can't find the 14400X900 setting so now I have a choice
between horizontaly stretched 1152X864 (closest setting)or an inch of unused
screen on each side. The computer has Intel "Extreme Graphics". and the
connection to the monitor is VGA. The graphics properties doesn't seem to
identify my monitor and sez I have "Default Monitor". I've checked the
connections at both ends, repkugged and tightened the screws, checked the
graphics driver (it's the most recent, from 2005). Reset the Monitor, turned
things off and on and rebooted and I can't get the proper settings in the
list of available resolutions, in any of the graphics related menus. Could
the hardware that detects or identifies the monitor have been fried? Any one
have any ideas?
System summary:
Dell Dimension 4600
Intel 82865G Graphics
Westinghouse 19" wide screen 14,400X900 Resolution
VGA Monitor cable
OS: Win XP Home Edition SP2, +all critical patches up to March patch
Norton AV did have a 3 piece update waiting for install when I shut down
last night. That seems to have gone fine.
I presume SP3 is downloading as resources and bandwidth permit.